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Midnight Moonlight and Magick

Holy Death (Santa Muerte) Oil/Aceite - 1/2 oz.

Holy Death (Santa Muerte) Oil/Aceite - 1/2 oz.

Regular price $4.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $4.00 USD
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Santa Muerte represents the feminine power of death in that it is a force for positive change, growth, and renewal by reaping and burning the fall fields, the spring planting will be made so much richer. There are a lot of awful things going on in the world today, and many of us just want an end to the pain, suffering and confusion. The death of our fears and suffering in order to plant a new and brighter future is just what we want and is the power that Santa Muerte represents. Help in situations of love difficulties, financial difficulties, health difficulties and much more. 

Ask the Holy Death to help you in your time of need, and she will hear you out and help you. 

Santa Muerte Prayer: “My Dearest and most holy Santa Muerte. Thank you for all that you do, have done and go on doing for me. I ask you to please bring light upon my way and that you keep away from me all possible aggressions, obstacles, and limitations, so that I may go on freely progressing towards happiness and prosperity. You are the guardian of all people including prisoners, runaways, abused and abandoned woman and children. Protect and help me to avoid negative casualties, traps, lies, and keep unseen danger away. Let me always stand in your divine light. AMEN.”

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