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Midnight Moonlight and Magick

Magnet (IMAN) Oil/Aceite - 1/2 oz.

Magnet (IMAN) Oil/Aceite - 1/2 oz.

Regular price $4.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $4.00 USD
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Your power of attracting money always depends on the beliefs that you have about money. Your money magnetism is a reflection of your thoughts of prosperity.  Activate your internal money magnetism and draw it to you easily and consistently.

Pay attention to your money. Often times, when funds are low and the bills are high, it’s easy to want to just ignore it all. You avoid your bank account, refuse to open your mail, ignore the amassing amount of debt and hope that it will all just go away. Unfortunately, instead of going away it will only continue to grow until you turn your focus on it and start to do something about your financial situation. If you want to create more wealth you have to pay attention to your current money.

Start with a simple step of gathering the money in your wallet or purse and organize the dollars and cents. Count your money every day. This simple act will keep you aware of how much you have on you. Start checking your bank account daily as well. Don’t let a low balance discourage you, instead be grateful for what you have and declare that more is on the way!

Bless your bills and pay them happily. It will send a message that you can afford to pay your bills because you always have money. I always say my money comes back to me tenfold! I say this at the store when I buy something and when I am paying my bills. You can control your emotional money narrative. Become grateful for your bills and the ability to pay them. More money will flow into your life to pay all the bills with lots left over.

Magnet Prayer: “Wealth is a mindset and I am now open to living in abundance and prosperity. Money flows easily and joyously into my life even from unexpected sources. As a powerful money magnet, the right people and circumstances are attracted to me that will lead me to greater financial abundance. Amen.”

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